Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Debate #2

I have to say that I really enjoyed the style of the second debate more than the first. I felt like it was easier to get your own point across since we only had four people representing each side instead of half the class on each. The point I was argueing was that Organic food is no heathier or environmentally friendly than conventional food. I really feel like my side proved our point and delievered everything very well. I believe we dominated the opposing side, which made me extremely happy because i love to win...haha. Overall I have to say that I wish all our debates were like this style.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Brigid Silva, I believe is a tremendous leader in my work place. I work at a dance studio in Simi Valley teaching children the art of dance. If any of you have worked with children before you know very well how difficult it is and how much harder it can be to deal with the parents. Ms. Silva does a great job of dealing with both in a very professional way. She also makes a great effort to connect with her students and parents to make both feel comfortable at the studio and around the students, which is necessary in this line of work. As we all know women are known to be very emotionally and have a hard time putting their emotions aside in the workplace. Well, Ms. Silva never lets her emotions affect her work and is extremely good at separating her personal life from work. Being very organized is a quality I believe people need to have in order to be a great leader as well and this is a quality Brigid has along with many others. She is a very strong and assertive women, which are qualities we may associate as male characteristics, but many women today share these characteristics. I look up to this incredible women for all the reasons I have listed and many more.

Final Debate

I was extremely frustrated with this debate because we kept going in circles and nothing was really ever established. The topic was very broad and we definitely needed to recognize a few points before we even started the debate and because we didn't neither side was able to argue their point very well. One point we needed to establish was what qualities a leader should have and what type of leadership role we were debating about. I was on the side that believes a women should not have to gain male characteristics to become a successful leader, however that's not entirely what i believe. The characteristics we concluded of males and females were probably statistically true, but in todays' society I believe that many women have already adopted male characteristics or have always had them and just weren't recognized for them earlier in time. I also believe that many males in todays' society show their sensitive side more than before. With that being said I have to say that I believe in order to be a great leader people need to adopt characteristics from the opposite sex. We have a mixture of all the characteristics we defined as male and female and that was the conclusion we eventually came to in class.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

slam poetry (organic food)

Provides us energy
energy we need to make it through the day
however, do we really know which foods are best?
My entire life I was spoon fed
Spoon fed the words that organic is better
Best! she tells me
eat it!
Lies I tell you
there is no proof
it's more expensive too
why? why?
Maybe it's cause it actually is better
or maybe a scam is in process
That's really what its all about huh?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Banksy project

I actually had a great time trying to experience a small portion of Banksy's life. The project was by far one of the most thrilling projects I have done before and it was a great way for us as students to voice ourselves. All of the projects were amazing and so creative, but one in particular that really caught my attention was the one where a shadow figure with a ball and chain displaying a money symbol wrapped around his ankle looking towards UCLA. It really demonstrated how hard times have become and how expensive the schools we dream to go to really are. I found it very funny when campus maintenance started to follow us around like we were doing something wrong, however none of our projects defaced school property. I wish they would have left them up a little longer so other students could see them. Overall this project turned out to be very fun!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Exit through the gift shop

Exit through the gift shop is a documentary about street artists better known as graffiti artists. Banksy is one of the most well known of these artists. Most of his art is very creative and dark. He also incorporates great messages in his art in a very creative way, however some may think the messages are inappropriate for all audiences to see. This is where some audiences appreciate all kinds of art, even street art, or there are others who don't find the purpose in street art and are very against it. I myself appreciate and have a lot of respect for art, but I also beleve that thwy should display their art in a legal way without vandalizing others property.


The side I choose was ads should be censored and I feel very strongly about it. Walking into class that day I didn't think the other side was going to have much to say to argue that ads shouldn't be censored because our side had so many valid points in my opinion, however they did make some good points. Although they made some good points it didn't seem to me that they ever crossed the point that ads are somewhat censored already and if there were no regulations at all it would cause a lot of chaos. Think about it...for an example; kids would see ads that are inappropriate for them to see on their favorite channels everyday and yes parents have somewhat control to what their children see on television and the web, but not enough. There are certain cables that allow you to block certain channels, but if there weren't any regulations on ads they would probably be displayed on every channel so what would be the solution...not let children watch T.V.?
I honestly found myself becoming really frustrated with the debate because it felt like we just kept going in a circle. I feel like that happened because the topic was too broad. Even though the debate was interesting and somewhat fun I still walked out with a headache. haha